Product Creation WP

Webpartner Studio
The challenge was to demonstrate how the website building tool offered by the WEBPARTNER company can help entrepreneurs to give their work more exposure. Produced for the Chilean Market.
Produced in Santiago de Chile, focused on entrepreneurs who back at that time, did not have the web design tools that could make their website ideas come true, unlike today. Webpartner intended to create direct conversions to sales with a high focus on raising ventures of different characteristics. Together with the Webpartner brand, we developed a clear and direct message, aimed at an age group between 35-65 years old, who, according to the research, were not very familiar with the development of websites and the platform included.
Project Date: 10/01/2022
Client: Webpartner
Location: Chile
Year: 2015
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Video Presentation

Landing Page

Webpartner Site

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